Oxygénothérapie en caisson hyperbare à Paris 16

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy  (HBOT) in Paris

Whether you want to be like Neymar, Ronaldo or Djokovic and other top athletes and improve your physical and sporting performance, or to relax and experience the concept of pressurized oxygenation or help improve your sleep or perhaps reduce fatigue and some symptoms due to long covid, concussion, …; hyperbaric oxygenation (OHB – HBOT) is a non-invasive solution for you.

IMPORTANT: Hyperbaric oxygenation is not a medical treatment and does not replace medical treatment. It can be a complementary wellness process to reduce certain symptoms or improve performance. The pressure in our chamber (1.3 to 1.5 ATA) is not equivalent to the pressure in the hyperbaric chambers of a hospital (2 to 7 ATA), used in particular for diving accidents and other illnesses!

What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) ?

Hyperbaric oxygenation, also called low-pressure or mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is a process that allows a person to breathe air with different percentages of oxygen under pressure.

How does hyperbaric oxygen therapy  work?

Normally, when we breathe, oxygen is taken into the circulation and carried throughout the body by red blood cells only. Under pressure, oxygen can be dissolved in all fluids…

Hyperbaric oxygenation for athletes

Top athletes use hyperbaric chambers to improve their performance, aid recovery and reduce fatigue.

Hyperbaric oxygenation for our patients

Improving sleep, reducing stress and fatigue, decreasing inflammation,… are among the reasons why our patients use hyperbaric oxygenation.

What are the top 10 benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) ?

  1. Increased oxygen perfusion: immediate increase in free floating oxygen available for tissue use (muscle, nerve, …)
  2. Neovascularization – Angiogenesis: growth of new blood vessels
  3. Increased white blood cell function: improved activity of neutrophils and macrophages of the immune system
  4. Nerve healing factors: increased VegF, BDNF, HIF1
  5. Wound healing, increased healing capacity: PDGF, VegF, collagen production, circulatory healing
  6. Stem cell release: up to 8 times more mesenchymal and central nervous system stem cells
  7. Vasoconstriction: decreased edema and inflammation of damaged tissues
  8. Mitochondrial healing: increased size, shape and number of mitochondria (the energy factories of cells)
  9. Anti-inflammatory: reduced inflammatory cytokines, increased cytokines anti-inflammatory
  10. Antimicrobial/microbiome balancing: reduction of anaerobic pathogens (proliferating in the absence of oxygen) and increase of aerobic probiotics (requiring oxygen)
Oxygénation hyperbare

What we do…

Hyperbaric oxygenation is part of the services offered in our office, along with other therapies such as chiropractic care, photobiomodulation, neurostimulation, etc.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions can only be performed after an initial analysis and clinical examination consultation and in combination with the other therapies offered.

Chiropractic care

Aim to remove nerve irritations and stimulate the activity of the nervous system

Functional neurology

To enable specific stimulation of functionally deficient parts of the nervous system


Also called cold laser. To increase mitochondrial activity, a source of cellular energy.


To enhance nerve activity by neurostimulation of the vagus nerve or peripheral repetitive somatosensory stimulation

Hyperbaric Oxygenation Blog and News

Oxygénation hyperbare pour maladie de Lyme

Oxygénation hyperbare pour maladie de Lyme

 L’oxygénothérapie hyperbare améliore la fonction immunitaire en augmentant la disponibilité de l’oxygène dans les tissus et en soutenant l’activité des cellules immunitaires. Cela peut aider le corps à combattre plus efficacement la bactérie Borrelia burgdorferi. Une fonction immunitaire améliorée peut réduire la gravité des symptômes et favoriser une guérison plus rapide.

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